Welcome to Istria

Today the famous touristic resort is Rabac in the middle of 19. century it was little fishing village with only ten house numbers. Because beautiful coves and nice area, soon is visited by first visitors. One of the first tourist is English a travel writer and writer Richard Francis Burton which was living in Rabac since 1876. After Richard s visiting the other places along the coast of Istria, he write the same name book “Istrian Coast” which described the beauty and the charm of the picturesque Rabac.

In that time Rabac started to get first summer houses. The most famous is edition of mercantile family Prohaska from Rijeka who are origins from Czech Republic. Today one part of the place was named after them even if the summer house was destroyed during the second world war.

First hotel “Quarnero” in Rabac is opened 11. June 1889. who was in house of family Viskovic which is close to studio “Orlando” in nowadays. In that hotel was only few room and in the ground floor was a tavern. 

The regular guest of first hotel in Rabac was Austrian officer Kaiser, who later bought Dubrova near Labin, place known today for the Mediterranean sculpture symposium and the Park of sculptures. 

Chronicles will note that at the beginning of this century in 1907. Rabac hosted the Austro-Hungarian prince of throne Ferdinand who people saluting on main riviera.